SEIKEI University Repository >
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Showing results 99 to 118 of 1485
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
18-Mar-2013 | Gemälde im Fremdsprachen-Unterricht Deutsch | Akaike, Elfriede Maria; 赤池, Elfriede Maria |
30-Jun-2022 | German Unification and the Issue of Poland's Western Border | Itabashi, Takumi |
1-Dec-2014 | Geを蒸着したSi(110)-16×2表面での特異な表面再構成構造 | 横山, 有太; YOKOYAMA, Yuta |
1-Dec-2014 | Godement-Jacquet zeta integrals on GL(2, C) | ISHII, Taku |
1-Dec-2013 | H.264/AVC符号化の4×4イントラ予測を利用した情報ハイディングの改善 | 和田, 直哉; WADA, Naoya |
Nov-2016 | Hearing Japanese Words in English Songs : Mondegreen Phenomena by Nonnative Listeners | NAKATA, Hitomi; 中田, ひとみ |
15-Mar-2023 | 「Hero」と「男本尊」<をほんぞん> : 反キャラクター論としての坪内逍遥『小説神髄』 | 大橋, 崇行; おおはし, たかゆき |
20-Dec-2020 | How the BOJ Has Affected Domestic Equity Markets by Its ETF Purchasing Program | Toshino, Masashi |
Jun-2020 | HPVワクチン薬害訴訟における製薬会社・国の責任 | 渡邉, 知行; WATANABE, Tomomichi |
Jun-2013 | Hypoxia-inducible factor1 alpha (HIF-1α) 新規ASVの発見 | 荒木, 章伍; 久富, 寿; ARAKI, Shogo; HISATOMI, Hisashi |
Nov-2012 | ICT Technologies and Their Application to the Home Environment in Asian/Oceania Regions : From the View Points of Aging and Home Healthcare | Oguchi, Kimio |
Mar-2016 | Image Strategy of Nogizaka46 : How Do Young People Perceive It? | UEDA, Yutaka |
25-Mar-2011 | Imaginary/Aggressive Resolution of the Death-Drive : A Psychoanalytic Critique of Japanese Neo-Conservatism | Endo, Fuhito |
1-Dec-2021 | Improved System for Identification of Live Music Performances by Dynamic Time Warping | KAWAMATA, Taisuke; HONDA, Ayami; MATSUDA, Yoshitatsu |
25-Mar-2016 | In Defence of Negativity : Jameson, Felman, and Marxist Aesthetics | ENDO, Fuhito |
Jan-2022 | In Quest of “Full and Unconditional Sovereignty” : Hans-Dietrich Genscher and the Issue of a Unified Germanyʼs Full Membership in NATO | Itabashi, Takumi |
20-Jul-2015 | In Search of Education | Zavislak, Ronald S. |
13-Oct-2017 | Incomplete Data Analysis for Economic Statistics | 高橋, 将宜; Takahashi, Masayoshi |
29-Jun-2012 | Individuum, Familie und Staat im japanischen Verfassungsrecht | NIIMURA, Towa |
Mar-2013 | Infectious Terror in “Edward Randolph's Portrait” : Transatlantic Threat and the Monroe Doctrine | SHIMOKOBE, Michiko |
Showing results 99 to 118 of 1485