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Showing results 125 to 144 of 1485
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2011JavaVM上での非手続オブジェクト転送を可能とする直列化方式の構築赤井, 雄樹; 山口, 大祐; 甲斐, 宗徳; AKAI, Yuuki; YAMAGUCHI, Daisuke; KAI, Munenori
19-Mar-2021L'historiographie de la Révolution française dans le Japon de l'après-guerreMATSUURA, Yoshihiro
24-Mar-2017Landscape and Affect, or the ‘Primal Scene’ of Romanticism : The Aesthetics of Roger Fry and Virginia WoolfENDO, Fuhito
Mar-2014Leonora Sansay, Secret History; or, The Horrors of St. Domingo にみる大陸アメリカ性とクレオール的無意識庄司, 宏子; SHOJI, Hiroko
27-Jun-2023Les droits de la nature au Japon : Concrétiser la vision alternativeAbe, Keisuke Mark
18-Mar-2012Letter to Lennon ; musings for a manufactured martyrJAMALL, Maurice
Jun-2019LGBTI (性的少数者)の人権 : ヨーロッパ、イギリス、日本の比較ウィントミュート, ロバート; 安部, 圭介; WINTEMUTE, Robert; ABE, Keisuke
Jun-2019LGBTI Human Rights in Europe, the United Kingdom, and JapanWintemute, Robert
Nov-2013Life Cycle Analysis and Modelling (LCAM) of Jatropha as Biofuel in Dynamic Economic Environment of Newly Emerging EconomiesSinha, Sangeeta; Suzuki, Seiichi; Kojima, Toshinori; Kato, Shigeru; Kumar, Sanjay
10-Mar-2018LINE NEWSの“報道”に関する一考察 : Yahoo! ニュースおよびマスメディアとの比較から石堂, 彰彦; ISHIDO, Akihiko
20-Jul-2022Living in Voluntary Exile : Jhumpa Lahiri’s Search for Imperfection in The NamesakeShiga, Shunsuke
20-Dec-2011Macroeconomic Effects of Government Spending in JapanKhai, Vu Tuan
20-Jul-2015Macroeconomic Model and the Missing EquationMutoh, Takahiko; Tanaka, Takafumi
Nov-2012Manifestations of the Mountain : Preliminary Remarks on the Utopian Study of Potalaka in Pre-modern East AsiaDöll, Steffen
24-Mar-2017Manifestations of the Pre-Burkean Sublime in Britain : Milton, Wren, Thornhill and HandelRALPH, Barnaby; OTOMO, Ayako
20-Jul-2016MCS設計における「手段選択」と「運用方法」の峻別伊藤, 克容; Ito, Katsuhiro
Dec-2023Media Literacy : Evidence from the PandemicVaca, Maira
Nov-2017Mediating Effect of Affective Commitment on Organizational Factors and Customer SatisfactionUeda, Yutaka; Matsui, Yoshiki; Ebine, Atsuko
11-Mar-2016Methodological Duality and Conceptual Plurality of Culture in International Relations : Towards Collaboration of Cultural Policy Research and International RelationsKAWAMURA, Yoko; 川村, 陶子
1-Dec-2011Mg^<2+>を捕捉したベンゾチアゾール系フルオロファーの蛍光特性田中, 潔; 高橋, 正芳; 岩田, 理; 原, 小波; Tanaka, Kiyoshi; Takahashi, Masayoshi; Iwata, Satoru; Hara, Sanami
Showing results 125 to 144 of 1485
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