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Showing results 149 to 168 of 1485
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Dec-2011N-置換芳香族アミド結合を使ったらせんおよび環状分子の合成横山, 明弘; YOKOYAMA, Akihiro
Nov-2011Nagai Kafu^¯ 's Reflections on Urban Beauty in Hiyorigeta : Reappraising Tokyo's Back Alleys and WaterwaysSchulz, Evelyn
Nov-2018National Development and Indigenous Rights in Latin America : Analysis of the tensions produced with the Chilean State by the Mapuche demand for self-determinationSimon, Jeanne W.; González-Parra, Claudio
Dec-2023National Government Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic : An Exploration of Policies, Factors, and Lessons (to be) LearnedDussauge-Laguna, Mauricio I.
22-Jun-2018NATO「二重決定」の成立と西ドイツ : シュミット外交研究序説板橋, 拓己; ITABASHI, Takumi
19-Mar-2021No Depth but Surface : ‘Heart of Darkness’ ReconsideredTAKAHASHI, Ryo; 高橋, 諒
18-Mar-2013NPO法成立以前の市民活動の特性 : 1970年代~ 80年代初期に設立された環境系および福祉系市民活動団体の文献比較を通じて松元, 一明; MATSUMOTO, Kazuaki
Mar-2013On the Mental LexiconYoneyama, Mitsuaki
Nov-2013Opposition in Parliamentary Democracies : British and Japanese Political Parties in ComparisonImai, Takako
18-Mar-2019Patricide of Monotheism or Metapsychology : Freud’s Historiography of Transcendental NegativityENDO, Fuhito
1-Dec-2020PMSMセンサレス制御系へのモデル予測制御の適用前川, 佐理; 鈴木, 太雅; 小芦, 遼樹; Maekawa, Sari; Suzuki, Taiga; Koashi, Ryona
Dec-2019Politeness in an Internet Relay Chat RoomPurdon, Jamie W.
Jan-2022Political Division and Identity Politics in the United StatesNishiyama, Takayuki
Nov-2013Pomeron Geometrodynamics : Universality of the Geometrical PomeronFujisaki, H.
16-Mar-2018Possession in Nineteenth-Century American Novels of the Sea : The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket and Moby-DickTskase, Yuko; 高瀬, 祐子
7-May-2019Property and Inheritance in American Culture : Possession of Land in Nineteenth-Century American LiteratureTakase, Yuko; 高瀬, 祐子
Jun-2020Proust lycéen dans la période de transition didactique : sur la narration « Lʼéclipse »YOKOYAMA, Hiroto; 横山, 裕人
20-Dec-2023Q&Aサイトにおける質問文を用いたソーシャルリスニングの可能性 : Yahoo!知恵袋におけるiPhoneとAndroidの比較から吉見, 憲二; 谷本, 和也; 田中, 康裕; 岩井, 憲一; 上田, 祥二; 針尾, 大嗣; Yoshimi, Kenji; Tanimoto, Kazuya; Tanaka, Yasuhiro; Iwai, Kenichi; Ueda, Shoji; Hario, Daiji
Nov-2013Quality Signaling, Advertising and Firm NumbersTsui, Hsiao-Chien; Lin, Yi-Shiun
Jan-2012Quest for dignity : The meaning of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement in the context of the Great East Japan EarthquakeHakata, Kei
Showing results 149 to 168 of 1485
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