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Showing results 169 to 188 of 1485
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2016R. A. Fisher以後の判別分析の新理論 (1) : 遺伝子解析の新手法2(LINGO Program3)の検証新村, 秀一; Shinmura, Shuichi
20-Jul-2017R. A. Fisher以後の判別分析の新理論 (2) : Alon他のマイクロアレイデータの130個の癌の基本遺伝子(BGSs)の検証 (1)新村, 秀一; Shinmura, Shuichi
20-Jul-2016Recent Trends in Organizational Citizenship Behavior Research : 2010-2015Ueda, Yutaka
Dec-2019Recent Trends in Research on Organizational Citizenship Behavior : From January 2016 to December 2018Ueda, Yutaka
20-Dec-2018Reconsideration of the Essence of the “OCB for the Organization” DimensionUeda, Yutaka
20-Dec-2020Repatriate Knowledge Transfer in Multi-National R&D Companies : A Comparison Based on Demographics, Type of Knowledge, and the Knowledge Exchange NetworkYoshimura, Atsuko
20-Jul-2023Repatriates’ Knowledge Transferring Behavior in Multinational Companies : A Comparison with Non-Repatriates, Focusing on Career Value, Career Development, Communication with Overseas Affiliates, Creative Workplace, Creative Work Behavior and Creative OutcomesYoshimura, Atsuko
20-Dec-2021Repatriates’ Knowledge Transferring Behavior in Multinational Companies : a Comparison with Non-repatriates, Focusing on Motivation, Job Characteristics and Perceived Human Resource ManagementYoshimura, Atsuko
24-Mar-2017Representations of ‘Internationalization’ on University Websites with Specific Reference to Seikei UniversityMORIZUMI, Fumi
25-Mar-2012Resultative Predicates in EnglishYoneyama, Mitsuaki
15-Jul-2021Retold Narratives in America : The Voice of Reclaiming Mourning for the DeadKOMIYAMA, Mamiko; 小宮山, 真美子
18-Mar-2013Richard Wright, Native Son における“crystallized modes of expression” : ビガーを殺した「言葉」大武, 佑; OTAKE, Yu
18-Mar-2013“Roaming around the known” カナダにおけるReading Recovery® Program 教員研修から学ぶ <2012年カナダ(オンタリオ州トロントRR® プログラム)研修報告>小野, 尚美; ONO, Naomi
22-Jun-2018Roberto Ungerの構造論についてのノート吾妻, 聡; AGATSUMA, Satoshi
20-Jul-2015[Ronald S. Zavislak先生写真]-
20-Jul-2015Ronald S. Zavislak先生略歴及び著作目録-
1-Jun-2012RT real-time PCR法における内部標準遺伝子の選定澤田, 夕貴; 菅谷, 麻希; 久富, 寿; SAWADA, Yuki; SUGAYA, Maki; HISATOMI, Hisashi
Dec-2020Salt and Scud : The Rhetoric of the Sea in Robert Louis Stevenson's WorksMorishige, Masao
Mar-2013Sawles Wardeの異写本パラレルテキスト研究 : 中間報告田辺, 春美; TANABE, Harumi
1-Jun-2019SDNネットワークを前提とした動的トラヒックシェーピングの提案影山, 瞭翔; 栗林, 伸一; KAGEYAMA, Ryoka; KURIBAYASHI, Shin-ichi
Showing results 169 to 188 of 1485
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