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01:紀要(Bulletin) >
13:アジア太平洋研究 >
No.44 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/1244

タイトル: The Colonial History Goes Cyber: The Rise of Anti-Zainichi Korean Sentiments in Twenty-First Century Japanese Society
著者: Morikawa, Tomoaki
発行日: 2019年12月
出版者: 成蹊大学アジア太平洋研究センター
抄録: While anti-Korean sentiments have been historically seen among the Japanese, the animosity toward “Koreans in Japan,” or “Zainichi Koreans,” has gained another momentum in contemporary Japanese society. This paper analyzes the recent rise of anti-Zainichi Korean sentiments by focusing on the role of the Internet. In so doing, the ways in which Zainichi Koreans have been dehumanized in Japanese cyberspace are examined to reveal how the Internet is functioning as a mode of production that exacerbates hate-speech practices against Zainichi Koreans. At the same time, this paper emphasizes that the history of Japanese colonization of Korea is a basis for “Zainichi Nintei,” a specific discriminatory representational practice enacted by Japanese Internet users, especially (but not limited to) Internet right-wingers in the country, to disproportionately target Zainichi Koreans. By illustrating how this discriminatory representational practice leads to the relentless production and reproduction of the othering discourse against Zainichi Koreans, this paper reveals the connection between the colonial history and Japanese cyberspace.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/1244


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