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SEIKEI University Repository >
01:紀要(Bulletin) >
11:理工学研究報告 >
第51巻第2号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/603

Title: エンタテイメント体験の喜びを損なわず体験を拡張する提示システム
Other Titles: Providing Systems to Augment our Entertainment Experiences without loss of the Delights
Authors: 高瀬, 裕
TAKASE, Yutaka
Keywords: interactive system
soft-stuffed toy
walking navigation
environmental sound
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2014
Publisher: 成蹊大学理工学部
Abstract: Daily entertainment experience is essential to our life. The individual entertainment experience is enhanced by various interactive systems. For example, entertainment robots with high interactivity or navigation systems with voice guidance enhance each stuffed toy play and stroll experience. However, there are some cases that these systems detract from the experience’s delights. These delights mean essential factors for individual experience such as fun, healing, atmosphere and so on. And, those become an important motive for getting the experience. This thesis shows the usefulness of the system that enhances the experience without detracting from the experience’s delights, and the guideline of the designing and developing of such systems. In addition, I propose two interactive systems that based on the guideline. One is a stuffed toy robot and the other is the directional information provision by controlling the environmental sound field.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/603
Appears in Collections:第51巻第2号

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