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SEIKEI University Repository >
01:紀要(Bulletin) >
13:アジア太平洋研究 >
No.41 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/891

タイトル: 首長のソーシャル・キャピタルは自治体パフォーマンスを向上させるのか : フィリピンを事例とした300市町調査の計量分析
その他のタイトル: Does Mayors’ Social Capital Increase Local Governments’ Performance? : Quantitative Analyses of 300 Local Governments Survey in the Philippines
著者: 小林, 盾
西村, 謙一
大﨑, 裕子
Kobayashi, Jun
Nishimura, Kenichi
Osaki, Hiroko
発行日: 2016年11月
出版者: 成蹊大学アジア太平洋研究センター
抄録: This article examines whether mayors’ social capital increases local governments’ performance. Putnam suggests that politicians’ social networks with residents may deteriorate political transparency and thus decrease performance. However, no direct relationships have been clarified. So, we focus on the Philippines as a case and conduct a survey on national representative 300 cities and municipalities in 2011. We find that (1) by distributions, among three indexes of performance as dependent variables, valuing fundamentals of governance have the highest scores. Social governance and administrative governance follow. Among mayors’ networks as independent variables, mayors meet residents most, and local politicians, provincial politicians, and the central government officers follow. (2) By regression analyses, meeting residents promotes social governance, while meeting central government officers increases administrative governance. Multi-level analyses support these results. Therefore, mayors’ social capital increases local governments’ performance. Yet different social capital promotes different performance.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/891


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