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SEIKEI University Repository >
01:紀要(Bulletin) >
13:アジア太平洋研究 >
No.44 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/1243

タイトル: 日本漁業の〝生命線〟になる外国人 : 外国人漁船員の技能に注目した共生に関する考察
その他のタイトル: Foreigners as a “Lifeline” for the Japanese Fishing Industry : A Study into Coexistence with Foreign Fishers with a Focus on Their Skills
著者: 佐々木, 貴文
Sasaki, Takafumi
発行日: 2019年12月
出版者: 成蹊大学アジア太平洋研究センター
抄録: By analyzing individual cases in deep-sea skipjack pole-and-line fishing, offshore trawl fishing, and overseas purse seine fishing, this study aims to identify the work duties in which foreign workers engage, to better understand actual conditions in the Japanese fishing industry that relies on their skills. As a result, it was shown that foreign workers are a “lifeline” for the Japanese fishing industry, engaging in duties that require advanced skills such as the operation of small boats and winches, duties that affect product values such as the processing of catches, and core duties such as fish detection and actual fishing. As skills may be shared and passed on among foreign fishers without the involvement of Japanese, there is a possibility that the duties of foreign fishers may advance in the future, thus creating a more symbiotic relationship between them and Japanese fishers.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10928/1243


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