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Showing results 204 to 223 of 1485
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Mar-2016Terminological Transitions and the Humours in Early Modern ThoughtRALPH, Barnaby
1-Dec-2022tert-Butyl hydroperoxideによるがん細胞株への非アポトーシス誘導今井, 茉梨乃; 谷澤, 和哉; 井内, 勝哉; 久富, 寿; IMAI, Marino; YAZAWA, Kazuya; IUCHI, Katsuya; HISATOMI, Hisashi
20-Jul-2022The Aesthetics of the Unrealistic Dreamers : F. Scott Fitzgerald and Haruki MurakamiMiyawaki, Toshifumi
Mar-2013The Artificial Incompleteness of Lady Brett Ashley : Magnifying One Modality of Hemingway's Artistry in The Sun Also RisesKawada, Eisuke
18-Mar-2013The Campaign for Civilization or Removal : Thomas L. McKenney and Federal Indian Affairs in the Formative YearsNakano, Yumiko; 中野, 由美子
20-Jun-2014The Centralised Core Executive vs Policy Communities : Challenges and Problems of the Blair Government's ApproachTakayasu, Kensuke
Dec-2019The Colonial History Goes Cyber: The Rise of Anti-Zainichi Korean Sentiments in Twenty-First Century Japanese SocietyMorikawa, Tomoaki
31-Mar-2021The Comment Clause in Jane Austen's Pride and PrejudiceTANABE, Harumi
Nov-2013The Defense Industry at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century : A European PerspectiveSkulski, Przemyslaw
20-Jul-2018The Effects of Individual and Situational Factors on Self-learning ActivitiesUeda, Yutaka
Dec-2020“The Garb of Fiction” : Edgar Allan Poe's Notes for the Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838)Watson, Alex
Nov-2013The Impact of Innovations on the ICT Market in the Twenty-first CenturyDrelich-Skulska, Boguslawa
Nov-2016The Impact of Migration on Tourism Demand : Evidence from JapanEtzo, Ivan
20-Dec-2022The Impact of Two Job-related Factors on Organizational Citizenship BehaviorUeda, Yutaka
30-Mar-2022The King of Alsander by James Elroy Flecker : Romanticism in an Unromantic AgeRALPH, Barnaby
Oct-2013The Language and Content of Seal Legends in England Between 1066 and 1400Evan, Peter D.; エヴァン, ピーター D.
18-Mar-2012The Making of “Indian Arts” in Schools : The Case of Educational Reforms in the American Southwest, 1920s-1930sNakano, Yumiko
Dec-2021The Moderating Effect of Compulsory Citizenship Behavior Pressure on the Attitudinal Factors and Organizational Citizenship Behavior RelationshipUeda, Yutaka
20-Dec-2023The Moderating Effect of Work-Family Conflict on the Attitudinal Factors and Organizational Citizenship Behavior RelationshipUeda, Yutaka
Dec-2020The Ocean Libidinized : Yukio Mishima and the Cold WarEndo, Fuhito
Showing results 204 to 223 of 1485
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