SEIKEI University Repository >
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Showing results 68 to 87 of 1485
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
May-2011 | DEA による回帰型データのクラスター分析 | 新村, 秀一; SHINMURA, Shuichi |
15-Dec-2014 | DEAの分析結果の統計による検討 (1) : 47都道府県の滞在型観光の分析 | 新村, 秀一; Shinmura, Shuichi |
Jul-2013 | DEA利用のための実践的な解説書 : 1986年と2011年の東京都23区の公立図書館の比較評価 | 新村, 秀一; Shinmura, Shuichi |
Dec-2018 | Decentralization Reform in Japan : Ambitions to create real local self-governments and the framework of the constitution | NIIMURA, Towa |
1-Jun-2021 | Deep Learningを用いた階層的な部分タスクグラフ検出法の構築 | 田邑, 大雅; 甲斐, 宗徳; TAMURA, Taiga; KAI, Munenori |
1-Dec-2013 | Degradation kinetics of azo dye by ozonation in water | SHIMIZU, Ayana; TAKUMA, Yasuhiko; KATO, Shigeru; YAMASAKI, Akihiro; KOJIMA, Toshinori; URASAKI, Kohei; SATOKAWA, Shigeo |
1-Dec-2011 | Development of Unconstrained Bio-signals Sensing Devices by Piezo Ceramic | KURIHARA, Yosuke |
Nov-2015 | Direct Investment of Chinese Enterprises on the European Market by Industries | Karolina, Łopacińska |
Nov-2013 | Documenting 19th Century Typhoon Landfalls in Japan | Grossman, Michael J.; Zaiki, Masumi |
1-Dec-2014 | DPI技術を用いたふくそう制御方式と省エネ制御の検討 | 柳澤, 航平; 栗林, 伸一; YANAGISAWA, Kohei; KURIBAYASHI, Shin-ichi |
Mar-2013 | Dynamic Data Allocation Method for Web-based Multiserver Systems | Kohana, Masaki; 小花, 聖輝 |
18-Mar-2013 | E/LE. con estudiantes discapacitados. | Sanz Rivera, Arsenio |
Dec-2016 | Effect of Demographic Factors on Satisfaction of Non-Regular Employees : Focusing on the financial burden of a household | Ueda, Yutaka |
20-Jul-2021 | Effect of Organization and Workgroup Identification on Attitudinal and Behavioral Factors | Ueda, Yutaka |
Oct-2023 | Effects of Career Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Retaliatory Behavior : Moderating Effect of Job Interdependence | UEDA, Yutaka; 上田, 泰 |
Dec-2020 | Effects of Various Types of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Retaliatory Behaviors | UEDA, Yutaka |
Apr-2016 | Efficient and Flexible Agreement Protocols Based on Trustworthiness Relation of Peers in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks | Aikebaier, Ailixier (Alisher Akber); アクパール, エリシール; 艾克拜尓, 艾力西尓 |
18-Mar-2013 | Efforts for 100% Response Rate : Local Government Survey in the Philippines as a Case | Kobayashi, Jun; Nishimura, Kenichi; Kikuchi, Masao; Matammu, Maynard V.; 小林, 盾; 西村, 謙一; 菊地, 端夫 |
18-Mar-2019 | Enterprise Bargaining : A Popular Culture Representation of Neoliberalist Cultural Hegemony | RALPH, Barnaby |
30-Jun-2015 | “Equitable Estoppel” in American and Japanese Family Law : The Dynamics of Imposed Parenthood and Its Bioethical Implications | Abe, Keisuke |
Showing results 68 to 87 of 1485